PHP + HTML Unexpected result with $_GET


Viewed 84 times


You are not receiving the false value, and displaying the Else block. It has been passed through the url and only executes the true value if block. Someone give me a help, I thank you. Follow the code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
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and open the template in the editor.
<?php $logado = $_GET["logado"]; ?>

<html lang="pt-br">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>IF Alternativo</title>
        <?php if($logado) : ?>

</html>      <h1>Bem vindo ao sistema!</h1>

        <?php else : ?>

        <h1>Faça o login</h1>

                <input type="text" placeholder="Login" name="login"/>
                <input type="password" placeholder="Senha" name="senha"/><br/>
                <input type="submit" value="Entrar">

            <?php endif; ?>

  • 1

    The log is a string, have you tried to compare $logged in === "true" ? Or how it is passing in the url, value 1/0/true/false?

  • Not for $_GET, passing true or false, directly to the variable $logged in, sure, only I want to get for $_GET["logged in"] this value.

  • Okay, try to put it like this $logado = (boolean) $_GET['logado'];

  • I added (Boolean) and it didn’t work. Is there any other way to solve ? Using $_GET

  • 1

    both "true" and "false" are true when it comes to string. Try it the way @Rafaelwithoeft recommended: if ($logado === 'true') to make a literal comparison. Note that upper and lower case make a difference in this case.

  • @Thiago, what value is coming in the $logged in variable? or better in the url? What value is passed in the url?

  • The value is false, only it displays the content of if. Since it was to enter Else.

  • You tested if($logged in === 'true') ?

  • @Thiago You can’t paste the URL here for us to see?

  • Tested here now, solved, Thank you very much @Rafaelwithoeft

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1 answer


Try changing for that:

<!DOCTYPE html>
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and open the template in the editor.
<?php $logado = $_GET["logado"]; ?>

<html lang="pt-br">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>IF Alternativo</title>
        <?php if($logado == 'true') { ?>

            <h1>Bem vindo ao sistema!</h1>

        <?php } else { ?>

            <h1>Faça o login</h1>

                    <input type="text" placeholder="Login" name="login"/>
                    <input type="password" placeholder="Senha" name="senha"/><br/>
                    <input type="submit" value="Entrar">

        <?php } ?>


[Editing] The syntax using : is supported by php, my failure. You are using : and not { and } to define the block delimited by if.

Another thing is that your html is being closed before the tag h1 as you can see below:

</body> </html>      <h1>Bem vindo ao sistema!</h1>

    <?php else : ?>

Another thing you should also consider is storing the value of the variable $logged in to a session and not passing it using the method GET, even if it is only for display of the welcome message / login to the user. Moreover the application URL gets cleaner.

  • The if: syntax is accepted.

  • Thanks @Rafaelwithoeft , I didn’t know this detail, I always used the keys, and I’ve never seen this syntax. I’ve updated the answer.

  • We’re always learning something, after all nobody knows everything :)

  • Richard, thanks for answering, I ran the altered code and still not showing the block after Else. With you the false value passed by the url presented the login screen ?

  • @Thiago, I changed the condition of if, I believe it will now resolve.

  • @Richarddias I changed here and solved, thank you very much.

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