Take the values of a table and use to create a new database


Viewed 178 times


Well I have the following problem:

I’m switching from server to agency, and I came across the following problem: it had only 1 database and within this database there were several tables with client names.

The problem is that within these tables had other tables with Wordpress for example. I would like to know if you have how to backup this table with the Wordpress tables inside, and restore as a new database within the new server.

  • You can send the print of the hierarchy, organization of these tables, there in phpmyadmin?

1 answer


This organization you described is not the standard of Wordpress. Usually when there are multiple Wordpress installations within the same database, a prefix is used for each installation. There you have to identify the tables by prefix and export them separately.

If you still have access to each client’s Wordpress the best is to use the Wordpress exporter himself to move the websites. It will take care of the database and all attachments and you will not need to worry about the way the database was organized.

Depending on the site size and server performance, the import may give timeout or memory error. In this case you have two options. Either separate the export xml into smaller chunks or use a backup plugin to transfer the database.

If using a backup plugin, I indicate the Backupwordpress. You need PHP greater than 5.3 to run. Just back up the database and it will create an sql file with only the tables related to that site.

  • Hi Ricardo, all right? I already managed to solve the problem, I did exactly what you said. I managed to solve the problem quietly.... Thank you!

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