From Qt5 you must have the following structure:
+-+ pasta do aplicativo)
|-- Aplicativo.exe
|-- Qt5Core.dll
|-- Qt5Widgets.dll
|-- outras dlls dos módulos usados
+-+ platforms
|-- qwindows.dll
The Platforms folder should be at the same level as your . exe, and contain the . dll (in the case of Windows, .so in *Nix, etc.) referring to the operating system in question.
In your case just create the folder "Platforms" next to the application and put the "qwindows.dll" inside.
PS: Well noted detail, mentioned by @Luizvieira:
I know the question is about Windows. But I think it’s worth remembering that in *Nix there is no guarantee to work just by putting shared libraries in the same application folder. It is necessary to define LD_LIBRARY_PATH ( or use the QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH directive in . pro (
Hi Jefferson. You mention a photo, but you didn’t put it in the question.
– Luiz Vieira