How to do Innerjoin with related table?


Viewed 56 times


Guys I got a class Arquivo who has a Manytoone relationship with a class Usuario working right. I need to list all the data that are in the class Arquivos including relationships. How I do that in Doctrine?

Class relationship File is so:

 * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="JN\Entity\Usuarios\Usuario", cascade={"persist"})
 * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="usuario_id", referencedColumnName="id", onDelete="SET NULL")
private $usuario;

When I do so on Doctrine I don’t return the content of the relationship:

$ent = $this->em->getRepository( "JN\Entity\Arquivos\Arquivo" )

1 answer


Mount your query as follows:

$ent = $this->em->getRepository("JN\Entity\Arquivos\Arquivo" )
    ->join('t.usuario', 'u')

The result will be a collection of entities of the type JN\Entity\Arquivos\Arquivo. To iterate through these entities and catch the user of each file do so:

foreach ($ent as $arquivo) {
  • Thank you gave it right.

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