Problem with file access


Viewed 65 times


I have a serious security problem and I really don’t know how to fix it. I have some folders with sector budgets on the same server that runs the intranet system we have. I set folder by folder the AD user who should have access. Only the following happens, if the user is in the run and enter the general folder (Budgets) if he does not have permission see it empty, but if he goes through the intranet, and click on the link, he can open the file. On the server I set the permission for the local administrators, only so Wamp agreed to open the files, but then released general.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do? It’s 57 folders....

  • It’s because Apache runs as an Administrator and that’s why he sees the folder. Your problem seems to me like Windows folder permissions for your user (from what I understand you are using apache on Windows). It may also be that folders are only hidden.

  • That’s the problem, if I go via explorer to the folders the permissions work normally. Is there any way apache see the permissions?

  • I guess then I didn’t understand what you said, or maybe you didn’t understand what I said. As far as I understand by webserver (apache) the folders appear, but by explorer don’t show up, I’m sure?

  • That’s right, apache gives full access, completely ignores what I set of permissions in folders.

  • Diego, "Windows" folders do not have equal permissions to like-Unix systems, the issue is that the folder only has access for "high" users, when you run Apache it runs with Administrator privileges and so it has "full" access. You want local (computer) users to access or other computers to access, for example \\PC-1\minha-pasta-compartilhada?

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