Java - problem when factorial using while


Viewed 31 times


The idea is to type I type 3 numbers and calculate the factorial of each number. But I didn’t understand why the variable is keeping the value, for example.

    String entra;
    int cont = 1;
    int numero = 0;
    int fatorial = 1;
    int contFat =1;
    while(cont <= 3){
        entra = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Insira um numero: ");      
        numero = Integer.parseInt(entra);
        while(contFat <= numero)
            fatorial = fatorial + (fatorial*(numero-1));
        System.out.println("resultado da fatorial é: " + fatorial);


resultado da fatorial é: 6
resultado da fatorial é: 12
resultado da fatorial é: 12

in the case I typed the numbers in order 3,2,1. The factorial of the second number that should be 2, multiplied by 6 (result of the first factorial).

  • I suggest you don’t count, so he can learn to make one table test.

  • as I mentioned, I understood that the factorial number(2) * (6)= 12. But what I was looking for was the second result inform me the factorial of 2 only and if it was possible to do this with only these variables, because if there were 30 numbers, I would have to declare 30 variables, but thank you

  • Tell me what’s so special about variables entra and numero that you don’t need to have several of them and fatorial you think you need to. I repeat, if you simulate the operation of the algorithm manually with a desktop test you will understand.

  • Perhaps what you are missing is the notion that the declaration of a variable can be separated from the initialization. Example: int minhaVariavel; minhaVariavel = 2; and that both can be placed in different regions of the code.

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