I’m using the Firebird 2.5 database and I have 3 tables: Customers (client/patient registration); Consultation (consultations that customers have conducted); Payments (informs the amounts paid by customers).
This is the (basic) structure of the 3 tables:
| idCli | Nome |
| idCons | idCli | Data | ValorCons |
| idPg | idCli | Data | ValorPg |
I need to make a query that returns another table with the following data:
- customer name (CLIENTS table)
- sum of the values of the consultations held (table CONSULTATIONS)
- sum of the amounts paid by the customer (PAYMENTS table)
- customer balance ((sum of query values) - (sum of amounts paid))
I’d like a way out:
| Nome | SUM(C.ValorCons) | SUM(P.ValorPg) | SUM(C.ValorCons)-SUM(P.ValorPg) |
I have tried several variations of the code below (unsuccessfully):
SELECT consultas.idcli,
SUM(consultas.ValorCons) as TotalCons,
SUM(pagamentos.ValorPg) as TotalPg,
SUM(consultas.ValorCons - pagamentos.ValorPg) as saldo,
FROM consultas
LEFT JOIN clientes ON consultas.idcli=clientes.idcli
LEFT JOIN pagamentos ON pagamentos.idcli=clientes.idcli
GROUP BY consultas.idcli, clientes.nome
Complementing the response of Sérgio Louro, the result was:
(SELECT SUM(ValorCons) FROM consultas WHERE idCli = clientes.idCli) AS total_consultas,
(SELECT SUM(ValorPg) FROM pagamentos WHERE idCli = clientes.idCli) AS total_pagamentos
( (SELECT SUM(ValorCons) FROM consultas WHERE idCli = clientes.idCli) -
(SELECT SUM(ValorPg) FROM pagamentos WHERE idCli = clientes.idCli) ) as saldo
FROM clientes
Are you sure it should be a left Join?
– Danizavtz
To tell the truth no... But I tried several ways (RIGHT, INNER, FULL OUTER). I believe that it is not this way (with two JOIN) that is done. I must be thinking wrong...
– dnat
Check this https://answall.com/questions/523756/ajuda-com-select-somando-campos-accountings-pay-e-receiver-reports-mysql
– Motta