I have the following problem.
I’m working with nestJs and mongodb
I need to store the data of an object, which arrives through an http POST, in two different Clicks from mongoDB.
I’ve tested it individually and I see you’re saving.
But I need to unify that, so that when I trigger this post, it saves that data in these two Points at the same time.
export class AnalyticsController {
private services: UnansweredQuestionsService;
constructor(private service: AnalyticsService) {
create(@Body() analyticsDto: IAnalytics, unansweredQuestionsDto: IUnansweredQuestions) {
let result = analyticsDto;
console.log("aquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii", result);
//const result = await new this.integrationModel(obj).save();
return this.service.save(analyticsDto);
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { AnalyticsModel, IAnalytics } from 'src/models/analytics.model';
import { unansweredQuestionsModel } from 'src/models/unansweredQuestions.model';
import { UnansweredQuestionsService } from 'src/unansweredQuestions/services/unansweredQuestions.service';
import { UnansweredQuestionsModule } from 'src/unansweredQuestions/unansweredQuestions.module';
import { AnalyticsDTO } from '../../../models/DTO/analytics.dto.model';
export class AnalyticsService {
test: any;
unansweredQuestions: {};
private integrationModel: Model<AnalyticsModel>,
) { }
async save(obj: IAnalytics) {
const result = await new this.integrationModel(obj).save();
if (obj.score == 0) {
this.unansweredQuestions = result;
// const resultt = await new unansweredQuestionsModel(this.unansweredQuestions).save();
return result.id;
service to where I need to send the object
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { UnansweredQuestionsDTO } from 'src/models/DTO/unansweredQuestions.dto.model';
import { IUnansweredQuestions, unansweredQuestionsModel } from 'src/models/unansweredQuestions.model';
import { AnalyticsService } from 'src/rest-resourses/analytics/services/analytics.service';
export class UnansweredQuestionsService {
private unansweredQuestionsModel: Model<unansweredQuestionsModel>
) { }
async save(obj: IUnansweredQuestions) {
const result = await new this.unansweredQuestionsModel(obj).save();
return result.id;
async savee(obj: AnalyticsService) {
const result = await new this.unansweredQuestionsModel(obj).save();
return result.id;
I need to send the received object in DTO, to nansweredQuestionsService.