Good afternoon, I’m new here.
I’m racking my brain to find out how I’m going to be able to do a percentage calculation on the calculator I’m creating, I can’t make it happen. The other operations are all working properly, now percentage I can’t, I’m already 2 days into this, could someone please help me. Thanks in advance!
'''import React, { Component } from 'React' import Button from '.. /Components/Button import Display from '.. /Components/Display' import './Calculator.css'
const initialState = { displayValue: '0', clearDisplay: false, Operation: null, values: [0,0], Current: 0,
} Function percentage (displayValue, values) {
export default class Calculator extends Component {
state = {...initialState}
this.clearMemory = this.clearMemory.bind(this)
this.setOperation = this.setOperation.bind(this)
this.addDigit = this.addDigit.bind(this)
setOperation(operation) {
if (this.state.current === 0) {
this.setState({ operation, current: 1, clearDisplay: true })
} else {
const equals = operation === '='
const currentOperation = this.state.operation
const values = [...this.state.values]
try {
values[0] = eval(`${values[0]} ${currentOperation} ${values[1]}`)
} catch(e) {
values[0] = this.state.values[0]
values[1] = 0
displayValue: values[0],
operation: equals ? null : operation,
current: equals ? 0 : 1,
clearDisplay: !equals,
} if (Button === "%"){
if (operation && displayValue){
const current = operation(current, displayValue, operation);
return {
current : null,
displayValue: null,
addDigit(n) {
if (n === '.' && this.state.displayValue.includes('.')){
const clearDisplay = this.state.displayValue ==='0' || this.state.clearDisplay
const currentValue = clearDisplay ? '' : this.state.displayValue
const displayValue = currentValue + n
this.setState({displayValue, clearDisplay: false})
if (n !== '.'){
const i = this.state.current
const newValue = parseFloat(displayValue)
const values = [...this.state.values]
values[i] = newValue
this.setState({ values })
render() {
<div className='calculator'>
<Display value = {this.state.displayValue}/>
<Button label = 'AC'click={this.clearMemory} triple/>
<Button label = '/' click={this.setOperation} operation/>
<Button label = '%' click={this.setOperation} operation/>
<Button label = '-' click={this.setOperation} operation/>
<Button label = '7' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '8' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '9' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '+' click={this.setOperation} operation/>
<Button label = '4' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '5' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '6' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '*' click={this.setOperation} operation/>
<Button label = '1' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '2' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '3' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '.' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '+/-' click={this.setOperation} operation/>
<Button label = '0' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = ',' click={this.addDigit}/>
<Button label = '=' click={this.setOperation} operation/>
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– Bacco