POO python code


Viewed 15 times


Someone who knows how to make that code:

A perfumery company has two products in its line: perfumes based only on essences and natural ingredients and perfumes based on artificial fragrances. Natural perfumes have as advantage do not cause allergy, considering the origin of your ingredients. Already the artificial ones are analyzed to determine the probability (a percentage) of causing allergies. These information is passed on to consultants.

This company works with sales based on consultants, which receive the brand’s catalog. These consultants when they make a sale receive a bonus, attached to their level. The higher the number sales in the year, the higher your level (and your bonus). The level of each consultant is maintained without your registration form.

Each sale must be passed on to the company with customer data (name, CPF, address), consultant’s data (name, CPF, registration and address), the perfumes purchased, their quantities and the percentage of promotional discount offered.

Knowing the business model, specify the classes (their attributes methods) and relationships between these classes (inheritance, aggregation and composition).

  • Please clarify your problem or provide additional details in order to highlight exactly what you need. The way it’s written these days it’s hard to tell exactly what you’re asking.

  • I’d like help making that code!!!

  • Hello @Ene, what have you tried to do? Remember that Stack Overflow is an environment for objective questions and answers, not a code writing service - we won’t do all your work for free.

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