Standard for Boleani methods


Viewed 36 times


Dear, which pattern should I use to name methods that return a bolean (true or false) ?

For example, I have a method that checks if the invoice is overdue.

Possible names I thought:

  • Billed
  • Invoice
  • Invoiced
  • Invoiced

I currently use Ruby and there the name would be fatura_vencida?. But in the new project we will use C# or Java.

Thank you

  • 3

    Although mixing English and Portuguese would stay with the second option, but I only commented even because this "Eh" is tense.

  • 2

    Which one you should use is difficult to say, we can not decide for you but in this indicated question has several information about nomenclature. And it has what’s most important, pick a shape and maintain consistency.

  • 2

    Past experiences tell me that programming in Portuguese is never a good option...

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