How to send data through the soapUI tool and how to do manual?


Viewed 972 times


I would like to send information through the soapUI tool to my webservice but I don’t know how. Many told me to do it manually and I would like to know how to do it both ways !

  • 1

    A little code would be of great help for us to help in your problem, in more, read the links How to ask a good question? and How to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example.

  • Elisson, welcome to []! Your question has been suspended because it is too vague. Perhaps it lacks a little theoretical background or simply knowledge about the tool. Please feel free to edit your question and further clarify your question.

  • What I can say is that Soapui is a tool that allows you to test web services. You just need to create a new project with the web service address (URL) that the tool will list the available services and generate everything necessary to run these services and show the result. Basically you can see the message sent to the service (input) and the return (output).

1 answer


First, I recommend you study a little about Webservices.


It is an XML format message transfer protocol for use in distributed environments. The SOAP standard works as a type of framework that allows communication in a transparent way between different platforms with personalized messages.

Applying this standard in Web Services, WSDL is generally used to describe the structure of SOAP messages and possible actions in an endpoint.

One of the biggest advantages of this is that many languages and tools can read and generate messages easily. Several programming languages allow the generation of domain objects, Stubs and Skeletons from the definition of WSDL, allowing remote communication via RPC via calls to remote methods, including with complex arguments, as if they were called local.

The problem with this pattern is that it adds a considerable overhead, both by being in XML and by adding many metadata tags..

Overhead is generally considered to be any processing or storage in excess, be it computing time, memory, bandwidth, or any other resource that is required to be used or spent to perform a given task. As a consequence it can worsen the performance of the device that suffered overhead.(wikipedia) Endpoint, or in Portugese endpoint, is a termination or completion sign.(wikipedia) A stub or method stub is a piece of code used to replace some other programming functionality. A stub can simulate the behavior of an existing code (as a procedure on a remote machine) or be a temporary replacement for the code still being developed. They are therefore more useful in portability, distributed computing as well as in software development and testing in general. (wikipedia)

More about webservices:

After understanding a little about Webservices you can see the tutorials below.

Tutorial on how to use soapUI:

How to call a webservice in Java tutorial:

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    A link-only response is bad because if the links break, the answer is invalid.

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