Accentuation in Cakephp


Viewed 11 times


Hello, my dear! The doubt below is well Noob, but it’s burning my neurons...

I recently installed Cakephp 4.2.8, PHP 7.4.9.

I’m walking through the Cakephp tutorial, and I made a Bake for one of my tables in the database. As usual, everything came in English, and I translated the texts that will be displayed to the user.

It turns out that when I set an accent text, they don’t display correctly in the browser. Let’s use as an example the index.php template generated by Bake:

<h3><?= __('Estados da Federação') ?></h3>

The accents are not displayed:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If I put the HTML entities manually, it works: <h3><?= __('Estados da Federa&ccedil;&atilde;o') ?></h3> is displayed correctly.

However, if I use h or its full version, htmlspecialchars, keeps coming up wrong. If I use htmlentities is even worse: <h3><?= __(htmlentities('Estados da Federação')) ?></h3> does not display anything. The final HTML for the user appears as <h3></h3> and I get a blank line.

I don’t think it’s a problem charset, because I’ve already researched some guides on web, and all settings I found are already in UTF-8.

Does anyone know how to solve the accent problem without having to put HTML entities for all accented letters? I’m sure that’s an extremely Noob, but I’m hitting myself with it severely.

  • Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with sufficient detail to identify an appropriate answer.

  • The robots are high...

  • You are using __() Why do you need internationalization? If you don’t need it, remove it. Finally check out the file

  • @Erloncharles As I said, I am Noob in cake and I am doing the tutorial. I will test to see if it works without it.

  • Save it, my dear @Erloncharles! I tried to take the function __(), but it didn’t make any difference. The archive’s database is in UTF-8. All the application settings in cake are UTF-8, and the HTML that is generated for me in the browser also has, in the header, the tag meta for the UTF-8 encoding.

  • I am now trying to upgrade to a test server and see if it is something that is going wrong just on my computer.

  • By the way, WHAT A HARMFUL COMMUNITY! I asked a simple question and two people took the trouble to give dislike without even trying to answer... Putz! This community is weighing on me so I can forget about Cake and learn Laravel.

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