Hi, guys! I really need your help on this one:
I’m trying to make a webscrapping on a phone company’s network interruption page. For this I am using Sellenium Webdriver + VBA to do this.
However, when starting the code, I came across this error where I can’t find the page element... So I can’t evolve because I need to find the element in order to do the remaining actions.
They can help me by signaling how I can adjust my code to find these elements?
Sub teste()
Dim link As String
Dim driver As New WebDriver
Dim input_date As String
link = "https://www.vivo.com.br/para-voce/ajuda/mais-ajuda/consultas/consulta-de-interrupcao-de-servicos/movel"
driver.Start "Chrome"
driver.Get link
'Aqui estou depurando o codigo e aguardando ele carregar, mas entendo que se não funcionasse, adicionaria um sleep
input_date = driver.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='dataPicker']") ' Aqui é onde o código dá o erro
End Sub