Python E-mail Win32com.client - "ppppppppppppp"


Viewed 36 times


I’m having some difficulty with an attempt to send email via Win32.

When sending the email, at the end of the body, it always appears "ppppppppppppp"


I already sent in the beginning, some emails and never appeared these "p". Out of nowhere, they appeared and I see no error in the code. I think it should be the library folder or whatever?.

Follows the Code

import win32com.client as win32

# criar a integração com o outlook
outlook = win32.Dispatch('outlook.application')

# criar um email
email = outlook.CreateItem(0)

faturamento = 1500
qtde_produtos = 10
ticket_medio = faturamento / qtde_produtos

# configurar as informações do seu e-mail
email.To = "destino; destino2"
email.Subject = "E-mail automático do Python"
email.HTMLBody = f"""
<p>Olá Lira, aqui é o código Python</p>

<p>O faturamento da loja foi de R${faturamento}</p>
<p>Vendemos {qtde_produtos} produtos</p>
<p>O ticket Médio foi de R${ticket_medio}</p>

<p>Código Python</p>

print("Email Enviado")
  • Please clarify your problem or provide additional details in order to highlight exactly what you need. The way it’s written these days it’s hard to tell exactly what you’re asking.

  • Try adding the line email.BodyFormat = 2 email settings. Reference:

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