I am learning the lib Scrapy in Python and I am having difficulty to perform a request with the POST method for the url. I’m trying to use the following code:
"pagina": "/app/faixa_cep_uf_localidade/index.php",
"mensagem_alerta": "",
"uf": "SC",
headers={'Content-type':'application/json; charset=utf-8'}
I have performed a similar test for another page of the Post Office, but with the lib selenium
and bs4
and I wanted to repeat that same test but with the lib scrapy
The goal is to catch all ZIP bands of a given municipality through a UF. For example SC has 295 municipalities with 321 CEP bands (Some municipalities have specific ranges for urban areas).
Two observation points I need to make:
1- Create a post with scrapy
2- Navigate between 'next' pages to capture all Ufs