How to call another WP app


Viewed 67 times


How do I call another app on windows phone itself and in the store? (How does Facebook app do, calling the messenger)

1 answer


According to this response from the OS, in WP7 there is no effective way to do this, however in WP8 it is possible and you can use the protocol handlers by means of the method launchUriAsync.

For example, if you want to launch the app Wi-Fi settings can do.

await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync("ms-settings-wifi")

To launch Skype with a selected user you can call:

await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync("skype:myskypeid");

More information on: URI schemes for Launching built-in apps for Windows Phone 8

  • You are giving an error. You can send an example with an event of a button. The button calls another app.

  • @Severinoj.DaC.Neto If possible create another question specifying how you are doing this and explain which error is showing.

  • I already found the error, I forgot to put the async method. Vlw by help

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