Registration - Model - Django


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Next, I would just like suggestions or some direction, because I feel in the middle of the Atlantic with a piece of styrofoam. I would like to have in Django some types of users and do not know the best way to deal with it. They are:

Client: The client would be a type of user who could register (Registration with general data ex: full name, address, age, schooling, RG, CPF etc.) through the registration URL, have access to information restricted to him and with permission only to change his registration data, through a login and password.

Manager: The manager would be a type of user who would accept (or not) the pending registration made by the client; create client users through the internal system or change the data of existing customers, as well as producing/changing content for the external or internal audience (accessed only by the client user).

Administrator/Usermaster/Programmer: This user has all of the manager’s roles, and has the power to create as many managers as he or she deems necessary, as well as to delimit the manager or client’s permissions

Note: users managers/programmer do not need to have a register as detailed as customers.

Question: what would be the type of relationship if I wanted to link several clients to a publication or a publication to several clients so that they only have access to the publication information?

  • Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with sufficient detail to identify an appropriate answer.

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