How to put autocomplete in Sublime Text 3?


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I use Sublime Text 3 to program only autocomplete is not working for me. I have already installed plugin Sublime Intelcode but it still doesn’t work. Suggestions don’t appear when I write the code. How to solve?

  • I didn’t find this

  • appears the plugins I have installed, but first of all which the best plugin for autocomplete ?

  • Here there are some, it will depend on your need, the version you use, the language. With Ctrl + Space doesn’t work?

  • works but I wanted to appear the list as I was writing

  • i am in this file this shows { "color_scheme": "Packages/User/Sublimelinter/Monokai (SL). tmTheme", "ignored_packages": [ "Vintage" ] }

  • I put this but still does not work I now removed all plugins and I will install only the autocomplete which and the in your opinion the best for all languages or be mainly css php and jquery

  • Look at PHP Completions.

  • i find it strange I install css autocomplete if I create a css in php file autocomplete works well in a file . css does not work

  • It may be a feature, perhaps to css you have to have another plugin.

  • Well it’s already working as I really wanted thanks for the help

  • If it is possible to post an answer as you got and accept it.

  • Yes I will rephrase a detailed response with the changes I have made will definitely help other people

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1 answer


Well I will publish here as a response the solution of how I solved my problem, so I saw on the Internet there are many people looking for this problem.

First I checked the menu Preferences/Settings-User if the "auto_complete": true, was activated if not have to put as "auto_complete": true,

Then install the plugins needed to make the effect of autocomplete as you need I will leave here the plugins I used and that work perfectly.

CSS Extended Completions


Sublime Linter

What I’m going to put next is Opcional and a suggestion of mine but for those who spend many hours programming I think it is a good theme to tire less the view.

Spacegray Theme

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