PIPENV - local - different folder directory for package-related files


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This is my first post here I’d like to ask for a help. I currently program in python and use Conda(anaconda) and/or virtualenv to manage/isolate my packages in python, using Pycharm and/or Vscode as IDE Well, both in virtualenv and in Conda I can specify the location (directory) where the folder should be with the packages etc... But when I create environment with pipenv the folder with the packages is created in a place I believe is default, in the case here using Linux is on the way: /home/user/. local/share/virtualenvs

  1. How do I change the location of my created environment??? I would like to leave in the same folder as the project happens in virtualenv/Conda

  2. Leaving packages in the /home/user/. local/share/virtualenvs is my only option?

I’m sorry if the doubts are of very basic content !! Vlw

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