Nameerror: name 'wd' is not defined (python)


Viewed 47 times


Guys, can you help me please.

How can I replace the wd.get for my code?


Error presented

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Code running on colab:

    !pip install -q kora
    !pip install -U plotly
    !pip install yfinance --upgrade --no-cache-dir
    import datetime
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import yfinance as yf
    import as web
    from time import sleep
    from kora.selenium import wd
    def busca_carteira_teorica(indice, espera=8):
      url = f'{indice.upper()}?language=pt-br'  
      wd.find_element_by_id('segment').send_keys("Setor de Atuação")
      arquivos = !ls -1t *.csv   ##modificado com o modulo subprocess (import subprocess)
      #arquivos = subprocess.Popen(['ls', '-lt', '*.csv'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) #funcionando no replit 
      return pd.read_csv(arquivos[0], sep=';', encoding='ISO-8859-1',skipfooter=2, engine='python', thousands='.', decimal=',', header=1, index_col=False)
    dados_indice = busca_carteira_teorica('util')
  • Why are you trying to use a colab module in Use direct Selenium

  • @Augustovasques I made the change and updated the post, what I should do now, can help me please?

  • Is this your complete code? or is it reference to another third-party code ?

  • With what I see. What I can help you with is telling you not to scrape data with Selenium. Use the module scrapy, Unlike Selenium he specializes in web Scrapping. But if you detail what you are doing you may be able to help you more.

  • @stack.Rdoso this is the main part, data scraping, the treatment I did not put

  • @Augustovasques my reference is this video but I intend to take it off the colab and put it in the I’m having this difficulty of scraping the data (I updated the code working on the colab)

  • wants this instruction to work on the physical pc

  • @stack.Rdoso exactly.. but n wanted to download physical files

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