Error in return Curl PHP


Viewed 21 times


I’m having a problem as to my CURL result that is returning me a non object in the call:

$resultado = json_encode(curl_exec($ch));

Returns like this:

string(4352) ""\r\n \r\n \r\n 2076<\/planoId>\r\n AFFINITY 110<\/planoNome>\r\n <\/planoCodTar>\r\n 2021-09-30<\/dataInicio>\r\n 2021-10-13<\/dataFim>\r\n 14<\/vigencia>\r\n 168,003<\/valorPaxUSD>\r\n 883,69578<\/valorPaxBRL>\r\n 5,26<\/cambio>\r\n https:\/\/\/ws\/coberturas\/?pid=15klmnk4.asc20760112aghlxxdgd12as13a1<\/urlCobertura>\r\n * Incluido nos gastos medicos

Validade Mundial, exceto pais de origem.

Limite de Idade:<\/b> 85 anos. De 65 a 85 anos acrescimo de 50% na tarifa. Nos Estados Unidos DMH de US$50.000,00 e demais paises US$100.000,00
<\/obs>\r\n\t186,67<\/valorAntigoUSD>\r\n\t981,8842<\/valorAntigoBRL>\r\n PUBLICADA<\/tipo_tarifa>\r\n <\/plano>\r\n \r\n 2079<\/planoId>\r\n AFFINITY 330<\/planoNome>\r\n <\/planoCodTar>\r\n 2021-09-30<\/dataInicio>\r\n 2021-10-13<\/dataFim>\r\n 14<\/vigencia>\r\n 300,448<\/valorPaxUSD>\r\n 1580,35648<\/valorPaxBRL>\r\n 5,26<\/cambio>\r\n https:\/\/\/ws\/coberturas\/?pid=15klmnk4.asc20790112aghlxxdgd12as13a1<\/urlCobertura>\r\n * Incluido nos gastos medicos

Anyone can help?

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