When updating a Migration, an error appears stating that it is not possible to create an object at design time


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I’m testing a DDD concept project called Equinox at this address:


The first thing I did was to update the Migration (Update-Database) of the Equinox.Infra.Dat layer and it worked correctly: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When I update the migration (Update-Database) from the Equinox.UI.Web layer, which will be created from the identity tables, I get an error:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What’s wrong? Why do I get an error updating the migration in the Equinox.UI.Web layer? Is there any wrong configuration in this project or some procedure I need to perform? The Context classes appear to be correct and properly initialize in the startup.Cs class...

Thank you :)

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