How does the "Using" directive find Nuget packages?


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Hello, I’m beginner in programming, I’m using. NET and after installing a package by Nuget did not understand how the Using directive finds the package I want, as well as its classes.

I don’t know if I understand this but Nuget installs the files themselves in some PC directory and not in the directory of my project right? If so, how is it referenced that I want to use the . Cs files from that particular directory where my package is? And if I send my project elsewhere it will not go with the necessary dependencies?

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  • using does not "find", but rather simplifies the namespace. Imagine you installed a package that the class has Pacote.AlgumaCoisa.NomeDaClasse. This is already available in your project, and to use can do something like var nomeDaVariavel = new Pacote.AlgumaCoisa.NomeDaClasse() to avoid these long names (the namespace may even be long), we use the using Pacote.AlgumaCoisa; and when you need to use just do var nomeDaVariavel = new NomeDaClasse() because the namespace has already been referenced in using, to facilitate the reading of the code

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