sending email with phpmailer


Viewed 31 times



I have a query (SQLSRV) that brings me a list of clients with expired financial securities. I have to send an e-mail (PHPMAILER) to each one with their outstanding expired securities. As I am doing, I can send an email to each line, so following the table below, I am expected to send ONE email to client1 with the two values of the same, and an email to cliente2 with the two values of the same.

How I would handle this case ?

Client Valor
cliente1 valor1
cliente1 value2
cliente2 Valor3
cliente2 value4

Output of query values:

$vencimentos = $query->fetchAll();
$content =
      <th>Nro. Nota</th>
    foreach($vencimentos as $v){
      $name = $v["A1_NOME"];
      $email = $v["A1_EMAIL"];
      $content .= 
        <td>'.number_format($v["E1_VALOR"], 2, ",", "") .'</td>
$content .= '</tbody></table>';
echo $content;

1 answer


First of all you need to group the titles per client, something like:

$vencimentosPorCliente = [];

foreach ($vencimentos as $vencimento) {
    $vencimentosPorCliente[$vencimento["A1_EMAIL"]][] = $vencimento;

Having the titles grouped you can build a <table> for each customer and send it to the respective email, something like:

foreach ($vencimentosPorCliente as $cliente => $vencimentos) {
    $content = '<table>
            <th>Nro. Nota</th>

    foreach ($vencimentos as $vencimento) {
        $content .= '<tr>
            <td>' . $vencimento["E1_NUM"] . '</td>
            <td>' . $vencimento["A1_NOME"] . '</td>
            <td>' . $vencimento["E1_EMISSAO"] .'</td>
            <td>' . $vencimento["E1_PARCELA"] . '</td>
            <td>' . number_format($vencimento["E1_VALOR"], 2, ",", "") . '</td>

    $content .= '</tbody></table>';

    // enviarEmail($cliente, $content);

Behold a functional example

  • Hello Daniel, I did exactly as your tip in the example and it worked super well, thanks for the help.

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