import pyaudio
import wave
import numpy as np
import pyautogui
import speech_recognition as sr
CHUNK = 1024
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 44100
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
#stream usando o as_loopback para pegar som do SO
stream = p.open(
format = FORMAT,
channels = 2,
rate = RATE,
#Função para ouvir e reconhecer a fala
def ouvir_microfone():
#Habilita o microfone do usuário
microfone = sr.Recognizer()
#usando o microfone
with sr.Microphone() as source:
#Chama um algoritmo de reducao de ruidos no som
#Frase para o usuario dizer algo
print("Diga alguma coisa: ")
#Armazena o que foi dito numa variavel
audio = microfone.listen(source)
#Passa a variável para o algoritmo reconhecedor de padroes
frase = microfone.recognize_google(audio,language='pt-BR')
if "aula" in frase:
pyautogui.PAUSE = 1
pyautogui.keyDown('win') # hold down the shift key
pyautogui.press('1') # press the left arrow key
pyautogui.press('1') # press the left arrow key
pyautogui.click(x=1311, y=988)
pyautogui.write("Presente professor")
pyautogui.hotkey('alt', 'tab')
#Retorna a frase pronunciada
print("Você disse: " + frase)
#Se nao reconheceu o padrao de fala, exibe a mensagem
except sr.UnkownValueError:
print("Não entendi")
return frase
I couldn’t get it buddy, I don’t know how to make speech_recognition recognize, I’ll show you how it turned out
– Kenui Cabral
But then your problem has changed? Are you able to record the sound coming out of Windows now? Because your problem was in recording the PC Audio instead of the Mic audio. You managed to do this?
– João Verçosa
I don’t know if I can help you with the Speech Recognition package because I’ve never used that package. If it cannot read, but you are recording correctly, I imagine the problem is in the format of the file being created by Pyaudio
– João Verçosa
If you think the problem is still time to record audio from your speakers, ia recommends that you enable the option "Stereo Mixing", as it is taught on that website and that I took of that answer
– João Verçosa