Error: Too Many Ties in knn


Viewed 29 times


I am trying to make a classification in a database using the KNN, without success with the following code:

#Fase 2: KNN
#Preparação df para o KNN
dfNormal = df
dfNormal[, -length(df)] = scale(dfNormal[, -length(df)])
train_index = sample(1:nrow(dfNormal), 0.6*nrow(dfNormal), replace = FALSE)
treino = data.frame()
treino = dfNormal[train_index,]
teste = data.frame()
teste = dfNormal[-train_index,]

#Execução do KNN
Knn_Testes = list()
acuracia = numeric()
for(k in 1:20){
  Knn_Testes[[k]] = knn(treino[, -length(treino)], teste[,-length(treino)], treino$stress, k, prob=TRUE)
  acuracia[k] = sum(Knn_Testes[[k]]==teste$stress)/length(teste$stress)*100

But I get the following error:

Error in knn(treino[, -length(treino)], teste[, -length(treino)], treino$stress,  : 
  too many ties in knn
  • Welcome to Stackoverflow! Unfortunately, this question cannot be reproduced by anyone trying to answer it. Please take a look at this link (mainly in the use of function dput) and see how to ask a reproducible question in R. So, people who wish to help you will be able to do this in the best possible way.

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