char array comparison returns false even for char[] equal - C


Viewed 26 times


I am a beginner in C, I am doing a college activity and trying to compare a data obtained via scanf with a data saved in a registry array that I believe but even entering the same value, always returns false, independent of the comparison method.

my struct:

// Struct Veiculo
typedef struct
  char marca[50];
  char modelo[50];
  int anofab;
  Placa placa;
} Veiculo;

// Struct Veiculos (Container para veículo)
typedef struct
  int count;
  Veiculo v[10];
} Veiculos;

Where I get the value:

Veiculos frota;
char temp[50];
printf("Insira o modelo: ");
scanf("%s", &temp);
filtrarmodelo(&frota, temp);

Where do I compare:

void filtrarmodelo(Veiculos *frota, char modelo[50])
  printf("\n\n---------- [LISTANDO MODELO SELECIONADO] ----------\n\n");

  // Se não houver veículos, cai aqui
  if (frota->count == 0)
    printf("\nNada para mostrar aqui :(\n\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < frota->count; i++)
      // Compara o modelo inserido com os modelos salvos anteriormente
      if (strcmp(frota->v[i].modelo, modelo))
        printf("%s %s, %d. Placa %s-%s\n\n",
        printf("\nNenhum modelo encontrado :(\n\n");

The output I got at the last run was that no model was found.

1 answer


The problem is that the function strcmp() returns the value 0 if the two strings are equal, and in C, the value 0 represents the false, then the right way to compare is: strcmp(stringA, stringB) == 0, this code returns true if both of them strings be equal.
Code working, adapted, because it lacked things in the question, with a test example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct
    char marca[50];
    char modelo[50];
    int anofab;
} Veiculo;

typedef struct
    int count;
    Veiculo v[10];
} Veiculos;

void filtrarmodelo(Veiculos *frota, char modelo[50])
    printf("\n\n---------- [LISTANDO MODELO SELECIONADO] ----------\n\n");
    if (frota->count == 0)
        printf("Nao ha carros na frota.\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < frota->count; i++)
            printf("%s - %s\n", frota->v[i].modelo, modelo);
            if (strcmp(frota->v[i].modelo, modelo) == 0)
                    "%s %s, %d.\n",
                printf("Nenhum modelo encontrado.\n");
int main()
    Veiculos frota;
    frota.count = 1;
    Veiculo veiculoNovo = { .marca = "Ab",  .modelo = "Cd", .anofab = 2022};
    frota.v[0] = veiculoNovo;

    char temp[50];
    printf("Insira o modelo: ");
    scanf("%s", temp);
    filtrarmodelo(&frota, temp);

    return 1;



---------- [LISTANDO MODELO SELECIONADO] ----------

Cd - Cd
Ab Cd, 2022.
  • Gee, thanks a lot, pal. Now if you can explain something to me, why did my question get two negative votes? I don’t use the stack overflow much so I haven’t really caught the dynamics of the site. about the lack of information I thought it would be too much code and mess up the question so I put only the part involved in the problem. thanks again.

  • To improve your question you need to read the text of this link. And it also has the text next to the Page of creation of questions.

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