I wonder if there is any way to insert loop inside the ireport ? I have an FPDF report and within it there are two while loop and I would like to redo this report using ireport .
I wonder if there is any way to insert loop inside the ireport ? I have an FPDF report and within it there are two while loop and I would like to redo this report using ireport .
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I believe you can use subreports for this...
– Rafael Withoeft
ok, inside the report in FPDF there are 2 while and 4 querys, in case, would have to create 4 subRelatories referencing these querys ?
– hulckb
Dude.... I believe so, I haven’t worked much yet with ireport, maybe I have some better solution..
– Rafael Withoeft
someone would have an example of using while inside the ireport ?
– hulckb
@hulckb It depends a lot on what you want. Usually the first loop is the report itself and if there are internal loops then it turns into a subreport. But subreports are only required if there is a data hierarchy, where the outermost loop generates a header with the data and the internal loop multiple detail records. If the various loops make up a homogeneous set of data, you can simply add everything in a single list and move on to the report. In addition there are two main ways to work with Jasper reports: via query or passing lists of data with objects.
– utluiz
It would be interesting for you to post the structure you want for the report.
– utluiz