Duplicate upload form submission - JS with Formdata


Viewed 26 times


Come on, you guys! I have a problem with Formdata to send files via AJAX using Formdata. I made an image registration that after loading an image, the user can load a second image. However, loading the page, when registering the first image, everything goes well, in the second image, it is sent 2 times, in the third image, 3 times and so on. When you refresh the page, you restart the cycle. I gave as an example this form, but this happens with all the forms I send with this method. It is as if at each sending click, the DOM was duplicated and each "copy" performed the same tasks. I tested it on other browsers, same thing.

Follow the code below.


<form id="form_banner" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="row" id="conteudo">
        <div class="col s12 input-field">
            <div class="config_img_g">
                <div class="arquivo_midia">Novo banner <span>(Formatos jpg ou png com até 2Mb de tamanho)</span>    </div>
                <input type="file" name="banner" accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg" class="dropify fileSize">
        <div class="col s12 m3">
            <button id="banner_salvar" class="btn btn_l confirma">Cadastrar</button>


function banner_Salva(){
        let formData = new FormData(this);
        if($('.dropify-render').html()!=""){ //Se houver alguma imagem, esse objeto é preenchido com uma imagem. Verificação apenas para não enviar o campo vazio.
                type:           "POST",
                url:            "https://"+dominio+"/banner-salva",
                cache:          false,
                contentType:    false,
                processData:    false,
                data:           formData,

                    $("#modal").html("<h6 class=\"modal_tit\">Guardando as informações...</h6><div class=\"progress\"><div class=\"indeterminate\"></div></div>")

                success: function(retorno){
                    if(retorno.trim() != "OK"){
                            title:  "Ops!",
                            html:   retorno,
                            icon:   "error",
                            confirmButtonText: "OK"
                    //As próximas linhas tratam a ferramenta dropfy para deixá-lo pronto (limpo/vazio)
                    $(".dropify-preview")           .removeAttr("style", "display-block")
                    $(".dropify-preview")           .attr("style", "none")
                    $(".dropify-render")            .html("")
                    $(".dropify-filename-inner")    .html("")                           
                title:  "Ops!",
                html:   "O banner precisa de uma imagem para ser carregado!",
                icon:   "error",
                confirmButtonText: "OK"

  • The problem is that you put the $('#form_banner'). Submit inside a function, every time calling the function it creates an event, creates the Submit routine inside the page onload and calls the function by it... ie reverses the thing :-)

  • Fala, Marcelo! That’s exactly what I found! Rsrs... I was restructuring the file to come post the solution... Tenso, viu! Hahaha!!! But thanks anyway, to confirm my observation! Thanks for the tip, buddy!

  • Good... I got a lot of it there... look watch that jquery events are created to each request, even within other events an option that you can study is $(obj). off it turns off the events of the object, but it is good to read about it to apply in the right way, good luck ai.

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