How to get the return of a javascript variable with Flutter Web


Viewed 33 times


Colleagues, please, I need to receive the return variable from this encryption library below. My application is in Flutter Web, and I don’t know how to include Javascript in Flutter Web. I’ve done a lot of research, but I really haven’t got any results

The Library of Cryptography:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Getting the hash:

In this step you will need to inform the card data to our library, which will validate card data, encrypt it and return a hash.

Below is an example of our library’s use of how to get the credit card hash:

 <script type="text/javascript">
  var checkout = new DirectCheckout('PUBLIC_TOKEN', false); 
  function generateHash() {
    var cardData = {
        cardNumber: '1111 2222 3333 4444',
        holderName: 'Nome do Titular',
        securityCode: '123',
        expirationMonth: '12',
        expirationYear: '2025'
  checkout.getCardHash(cardData, function(cardHash) {
      /* Sucesso - A variável cardHash conterá o hash do cartão */
  }, function(error) {
      /* Erro - A variável error conterá o erro ocorrido ao obter o hash */
  • I don’t know if you have that possibility, and if you do, it’s probably not the best option. Search for a direct access to the service, API ( Also check:

  • rubStackOverflow, thank you for your collaboration, but from what I saw in the Juno documentation, this has no API, and the direct-checkout-flutter SDK does not work with Flutter Web, only android and Ios. I’ve asked for support at Juno, but I haven’t heard back

  • Um. I didn’t realize it was Flutter Web

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