Close multiple Activitys


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I’m developing an application on Androidstudio using the JAVA language. In my app I have a screen that starts user interactions, where it selects options and other screens open. At the end of the last screen, when it finishes all selections, it should close only a few activitys and leave the first one open. ACTIVITY_TELA_INICIAL(chooses an option and goes to) -> ACTIVITY_A (chooses an option and goes to) --> ACTIVITY_B (chooses an option and goes to) -> ACTIVITY_C (chooses an option and goes to) -> ACTIVITY_D (ends the selection of options)... Upon completing the established ACTIVITY_D operation, it must close D, C, and B, and return to ACTIVITY_A, as it can start a new set of selections from the starting point. Can someone help me?

  • From what I understood of what you expect of system functionality, it would be easier to use Ragments, then you could freely navigate between them without losing the state, or even one modifying the other.

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