How to consult the Database via Ajax?


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In Asp Net Core (I have 03 Models - I will describe well summarized):

(Model 01)

public class Estudante
        public int EstudanteID { get; set; }
        public string EstudanteNome { get; set; }

(Model 02)

public class Serie
        public int SerieID { get; set; }
        public string SerieNome { get; set; }

(Model 03)

public class Matricula
        public int MatriculaID { get; set; }
        public int EstudanteID { get; set; }        
        public int SerieID { get; set; }

Question: On a page when enrolling new students, type EstudanteID and the SerieID and I click on the button to register.

What I need is for it to appear next to the Ids text box that I type in EstudanteNome and SerieNome.

How to do this Ajax visa?

PS: Asp Net Core Razor Pages (but you can help me with MVC if it’s better for you) and BD Mysql.

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