I cannot run any program in pycharm. Message "No pyvenv.cfg file"


Viewed 23 times


When manipulating with modules and packages, I believe I deleted a module that appeared "venv". Although another module of these appeared. I have over 100 programs, in Python, in my Pycharm Community Edition 2021.1.2 x 64 and they all stopped running yesterday after that episode. I’m starting to learn programming, and I’m distressed to miss all these exercises. Instead of executing, the following message appears:

No pyvenv.cfg file

Process finished with Exit code 106

  • recreates the venv with python -m venv venv

  • This using virtual environment in your system ?

  • Hi Paulo, obg by Resp! But how do I do it (3 months ago I started studying programming)?

  • Obg by Redesp, Cardoso. I don’t know how to answer you, I’m still very green in the area...

  • I saw a script on YT , I installed an embeddable of my Python version on the Pycharm interpreter system and almost everything went back to normal, just some functions like help() stopped working...

  • You can describe the python interpreter in pycharm. In the top menu: File > Setting... find the field named "Python Interpreter".. by the description the interpreter is missing.

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