SOLVED - How to read this JSON in PHP


Viewed 37 times


Gentlemen, I am receiving the JSON via URL and I try to recover the values via PHP, but always this returning me the error:

Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|Object, string Given in C: xampp htdocs exams Adm tests.php on line 25


$jsonTeste = '{"exames": [
            "nomeExame": "",
            "descricaoExame": "",
            "valorExame": 0.00,},{
            "nomeExame": "MAPA - 24 HORAS",
            "descricaoExame": "",
            "valorExame": 80.00,},{
            "nomeExame": "HOLTER - 24 HORAS",
            "descricaoExame": "",
            "valorExame": 80.00,}],
    "sucesso": "true",
    "mensagemErro": "Requisição efetuada com sucesso"

  $json = json_decode($jsonTeste, TRUE);
   foreach($json as $row ){
    echo $row->nomeExame;


RESOLVED I was receiving the JSON with errors, with the preg_replace('/[:cntrl:]]/', ', $conteudo); I managed to solve it, staying like this:

$conteudo = file_get_contents('minha_url');
$result = json_decode($conteudo);
$json = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]/', '', $conteudo);
$json = json_decode($json, true);
  echo "<table>";
  echo "<tbody>"; 
foreach($json["exames"] as $exame){
      echo "<tr>";
      echo "<td>" . $exame["nomeExame"] . "</td>";
      echo "<td><small>" . $exame["descricaoExame"] . '</small></td>';
      echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "<table>";
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