Manipulate a Data frame dynamically


Viewed 28 times


People have a historical series of stock prices in a dataframe and need to create new dataframes of these actions grouped by sector. Dfs must without created and dynamically manipulated, here lies the challenge. I can create a new Df dynamically, but I can’t manipulate it. I summarized it in the data below.

papeis = {'VIIA3':'Varejo','LAME3':'Varejo' , 'BBDC4':'Bancos', 'VALE3':'Mineração'}
setor_ibov = [Varejo, Bancos, Mineração]
ticker_ibov = ['VIIA3','LAME4' , 'BBDC4', 'VALE3']

for i in setor_ibov:
  for j in ticker_ibov:
    if i ==  papeis1[j]:
      globals()[f"{i}"] = pd.DataFrame()
      globals()[f"{i}"] = carteira_normalizada[j]
      #carteiraa normalizada contém a serie histórica que preciso no 
      #novo Df do setor  
  • 1

    This part [f"lista{i}"]['j'] should be [f"lista{i}"][j]?????

  • In addition to the problem mentioned by @Paulomarques, this syntax globals()[f"lista{i}"] certainly could be improved, but only with the information presented in the question is it not prudent to formulate a guideline. Please [Dit] the question, submit a [mcve] and describe what you are doing and describe what you expect to get. See [Ask], [help] and do our [tour].

  • 2

    Still: Why do you want to assign specific names to Dataframes? Creating a list and putting them there would not be enough? As mentioned by @Augustovasques, it is not wise to suggest anything, just ask questions to try to understand the problem.

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