Problem with pointer in Function C


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I’m having second thoughts about the registration function. In the part where I inform dynamically through a counter the number already registered, when it arrives in the second iteration, the variable that I passed for reference qtd assumes a totally random value (memory junk I think). The strange thing is that when compiling the program several times for testing, I noticed that sometimes it kept the correct value in the variable, but most of the time it assumed a totally random value. I wonder if this has anything to do with pointers, because I haven’t studied this concept yet. Follow the photo of the execution and the code below. If anyone can help me I’d be grateful.

void cadastro(struct ficha_pessoa *cadp, int *qtd, int *menu) 
    char opt;
    int i,cont;

//cont = *qtd;    

if (*menu == 0)
        printf("Deseja cadastrar(s/n):");
        scanf("%c", &opt);
    }while(opt != 's' && opt != 'S' && opt != 'n' && opt != 'N');
        if (opt == 's' || opt == 'S')
                printf("Digite a Quantidade de Cadastros (Max:10):");
                scanf("%d", *(&qtd));
                //scanf("%d", *(&qtd));
            }while(*qtd > 10);  
            for (i=0; i < *qtd; i++)
                printf("Quantidade de Cadastros: %d/%d \n", i , *qtd);   //<- Problema aqui.
                scanf("%s", cadp[i].nome);      
                scanf("%d", &cadp[i].idade);      
                scanf("%f", &cadp[i].altura);      
                scanf("%f", &cadp[i].peso);      
            *menu = 1;  
            printf("Quantidade Máxima de registros atingida: %d\n\n", *qtd);
else if (*menu != 0)
    printf("O cadastro ja foi efetuado!");
}[! [image][1]][1]. jpg

  • post the entire program. There’s no point in a piece for someone who wants to help you. You don’t even have the statements of the variables. And understand that your register is people. It’s much simpler if you build a register as a file collection_person...

  • In function, qtd is a pointer (as it has been declared as int *qtd), then to read just do scanf("%d", qtd); (for scanf shall be provided with a pointer). Moreover, if "you have not yet studied this concept", my sincere advice - without irony - is that you first study the subject and then program. Doing the opposite doesn’t usually work out... Taking advantage, don’t use fflush(stdin), because it is not portable (it may even "work" in some environments, but it is not recommended: Other interesting reading:

  • Thank you very much for the feedbacks, hkotsubo and arfneto. I still have little knowledge in programming and with these tips I acquire a lot of additional knowledge. As soon as possible I will post the full code here for a better analysis of my 'inexperience' hehehe.

  • If you are going to put your code and ask them to analyze it, I suggest you do it on time (no generic requests like "see what you can improve", and yes one or another specific item: "the X part that makes Y is in such a problem, etc"). But first I suggest you read here and here

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