How to define which data of an ENUM the JPA will persist in the bank?


Viewed 17 times


Hello, I would like to know how to annotate a property (ID) of my ENUM for when to persist in the bank?

Because currently JPA is saving the index of the Enum array and not the ID... My Enum:

public enum SituacaoEnum {
    ABERTO(1, "Aberto"),
    EMEDICAO(2, "Em edicao"),
    FECHADO(3, "Fechado");

    Integer codigo;
    String marca;

    private Integer valor;

    MarcaBalcaoEnum(Integer valor, String marca) {

        this.valor = valor;
        this.marca = marca;

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1 answer


You can use the annotation @Enumerated that has two options:

EnumType.STRING - Reads and saves the value of .name() of your Enum.

EnumType.ORDINAL- Reads and saves the value of .ordinal() of your Enum.

Remembering that the two options have the fragility that if you delete or reorder types, you may have inconsistency in the base.

If you want to save the code starting from 1, you can add as the first type of your Enum a code 0 that will not be used, because the method .ordinal() always starts from scratch.

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