Animation for Andom Walkers


Viewed 31 times


Hello, I am working with the following code, in which I simulate a walk Random and compare with a diffusion equation:

In short: I am simulating M Random Walkers that move in a single dimension, between -100 and +100 (-L and +L), and then plot a histogram of the "concentration" in each position after a certain number of time intervals, in addition to plotting the same concentration as predicted by the diffusion equation.

# Comparing random walks and diffusion in 1d
import numpy as np
import pylab as py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

M = 100000 # Nr of walkers
L = 100 # Lattice size

# Each time step, move walkers and propagate diffusion solution

p = 0.1 # Prob for motion
pinv = 1.0-p
nsteps = 2001 # Nr of time steps

# Initializing walkers

x = np.zeros(M) # Initial posicion of walkers
edges = np.array(range(-L,L+1))-0.5
xc = 0.5*(edges[:-1]+edges[1:])

#  Initializing concentrations

c = np.zeros((2*L+1,2))
i0 = 0
i1 = 1
c[L] = M # c[L] corresponds to x = 0
cx = range(-L,L+1)
D = p

noutput = 100
for it in range(nsteps):
    # First update positions of all walkers
    for iw in range(M):
        rnd = py.rand(1)
        dx = -1*(rnd<p)+1*(rnd>pinv)
        x[iw] = x[iw] + dx
    # Perform explicit step for diffusion equation
    for ix in range(1,len(c)-1):
        # Use i0 and generate i1
        c[ix,i1] = c[ix,i0] + D*(c[ix-1,i0]-2*c[ix,i0]+c[ix+1,i0])
    # Flip i0 and i1
    ii = i1
    i1 = i0
    i0 = ii
    # Plot both concentrations
    if (np.mod(it,noutput)==0):
        Nx,e = py.histogram(x,edges)
        plt.plot(xc,Nx,'b',label='Random Walk')
        plt.xlabel('Distância percorrida')

Now, I’m trying to create an animation that shows the trajectory of these Walkers along that range [-100,+100]. Obviously I won’t do with 100,000 Walkers like on the histogram, but anything between 10 and 100 would be good enough. But I still haven’t found a way to create this animation, I’ve tried a lot of matplotlib.Animation thing and it didn’t work.

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