Convert a query string with array to object with Javascript


Viewed 17 times


Hello :)

I have a query string that I would like to transform into object, but this query string has an array that is converted as follows:


When I convert this part back to object it does not return me the array I need to use to work in other project situations, which would be:

meuArray {

But yes:

meuArray[0]: "17"
meuArray[1]: "1"

The function I’m using to convert the query string into object is:

export const convertQueryStringToObject = (query) => query && query.replace('?', '').split('&').reduce((obj, val) => {
    if (!val) return obj;
    if (val.includes('.')) {
        const interno = val.split('.').reduceRight((subObj, subVal, idx, arrName) => {
            if (arrName.length - 1 === idx) {
                const [name, value] = subVal.split('=');
                return ({ [name]: decodeURI(value) });
            if (obj[subVal]) {
                return { ...obj, [subVal]: { ...obj[subVal], ...subObj } };
            return { [subVal]: { ...subObj } };
        }, { obj });
        return { ...obj, ...interno };
    const [name, value] = val.split('=');
    return { ...obj, [name]: value };
}, {});

What I can do to improve it and bring the formatted array the way I need it?

  • Of the options indicated in the link above, I would use that one, indicating the use of URLSearchParams (already has a good support of most browsers, except the deceased IE - in the specific case of this, there are other solutions there, which can also serve)

  • But if the idea is just to create an object from the parameters, it can simply be var params = new URLSearchParams('&meuArray[0]=17&meuArray[1]=1'); and then var obj = Object.fromEntries(params.entries()); to create the object. Use reduce, inclusive, is an exaggeration in this case (incidentally, in most cases is an exaggeration, I don’t understand this fixation on using reduce for everything, even when he is no longer suitable...)

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