Unexpected end of random command in Firebird


Viewed 30 times


I’m having a problem in the system I develop, for some reason I get the message:

Unexpected end of command - line 1, column 214

But I can’t find which SQL the problem is occurring. From what I found on the internet, usually it comes to problems with using procedures or Sqls executed in blocks, but in my case I do not use either. There is a way to identify which is this SQL problematic via Firebird or something like that?

  • 1

    When does the error occur? What command was executed before the error occurred?

  • Does the error occur in any specific function ? As I remember (I haven’t installed any more ...) a Query1.SQL.Savetofile( C:Folder.Txt file ) saves the sql in a file , then run it remotely

  • This is the problem that I am trying to identify, I could not pick which SQL that is occurring this problem, I did a search in the sources to verify which SQL, but I did not find.

  • Try...except... captures the expensive error, puts to save the executed sql

1 answer


You can try to put a break point in the event that generates the error, for example, at the click of the button, and give Steps, until you get to the line that gives the error, this post again, will give you a better idea... can be sql command generated by the component, as well as may be some problem in concatenation of commands at runtime, where, looking everything looks fine, but running the mounted script becomes problematic. I’m waiting for you

  • Please add more details to expand your response, such as a working code or documentation quotes.

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