Do you know the Ionic framework? It’s similar to Phonegap.
Do you know the Ionic framework? It’s similar to Phonegap.
Not that it’s similar, he uses Phonegap itself.
Ionic does not replace the same, it is aimed at appearance and functionality but the platform is Cordova ( Phonegap ). Currently it uses the angular JS so it is good to know it too.
Read this is very useful:
And if you want to learn more about it I recommend: https://thinkster.io/ionic-framework-tutorial/
you’ve used or used Ionic?
@Gustavosevero yes, I use and have used. This application I’ve worked with is created with it: http://www.makemynight.com.br/
Speaking of Ionic, here’s a link to an article recently released in English: http://tableless.com.br/introducao-ao-ionic-framework/
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