How to change the border color of a Bunifu_textbox programmatically without it leaving the Bordercolorhover property?


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I installed a Bunifu UI extension on my windows form C#program. (I’m a beginner in programming)

There are some Bunifu_textboxes to which I wish in the Textchanged event to change its edge to green when it detects any text entry in it, and return to Silver when there is no text contained in this

if (B_TXB_NomeCliente.Text != "") 
   B_TXB_NomeCliente.BorderColorIdle = Color.ForestGreen; 
   B_TXB_NomeCliente.BorderColorIdle = Color.Silver; 

The code works perfectly and when it is inserted any text in it its edge is changed to green, the problem is that when I step the mouse over (Or the control enters and leaves the Textbox) the textbox changes its color because of its Bordercolorhover property and goes back to its initial color in which it was set in design.

![Text]([! [insert the description of the image here]1]1.jpg)

It’s as if the color resets on account of the Bordercolorhover Property. I would love if someone knew how to disable the Bunifu_textboxes Hover.

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