Convert forms (Form1.Designer.Vb) to Delphi (Form1.dfm or Form1.fmx)


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I’d like a little help with your information. I am starting to program again this year 2021, because I had to stay away for a few years, for reasons of an ischemic stroke, and only now I can be back.I would like to know from you, if there is a software utility, that could convert forms to Delphi, for example: Form1.Designer.Vb to Form1.dfm (VCL) or even to Form1.fmx (Firemonkey). The Project fonts I have, is in Visual Studio 2017 and would like to convert them to Delphi, I know they are completely different, and that also, the rest of the code, I have to rewrite them from scratch, so far so good, but if I could convert only the forms, with the buttons, Edits, label. etc.. would save me a lot of time on the project. From now on, I am grateful for any response. A big hug to all Stay with God

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