How do I blur the table "X" act when saving Document in Table "Y"?


Viewed 7 times


I need that when saving a subject to a student, the request for said subject is deleted.

i access requests through the Solicitudcontroller

public function solicitudes()
    // $this->middleware('isroot');
    $solicitud = Solicitud::findOrFail(1);

    $solicitud = Solicitud::where('tutor_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get();

    $user = User::all();

    $propuestas = Propuestas::all();

    $lineas = lineas::all();
    return view('tutor.versolicitudes', array('propuestas' => $propuestas, 'lineas' => $lineas, 'solicitud' => $solicitud, 'user' => $user));

and I need that create while saving it blurs the request both are in different controllers

public Function postUpdateOrCreateAsignacion(Request $req) { $theme = Theme::find( $req['id'] );

    $data = [
        'propuesta_id'=> $req['propuesta_id'],
        'user_id'=> $req['user_id'],
        'user_id_2'=> $req['user_id_2'],


    return redirect()->back();

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