Error importing package and running code in eclipse JAVA IDE


Viewed 28 times


Hello I’m new in java and I have a problem, I’m trying to run a java code I saw on internet recognition and sound pattern but there is a problem when I replicate it in IDE import everything and do correctly gives an error.

Error: Could not find or load main class com.musicg.main.demo.Fingerprintdemo Caused by: java.lang.Classnotfoundexception: com.musicg.main.demo.Fingerprintdemo

I imported the downloaded Jar Pack:

I imported into the Ide correctly added library and called, but with it imported from the above error or other errors in Wave.wave cannot be called. Well I read about POM.XML files on this site:

If the problem is this I managed to download a zip from the musicg API that has a but as I am beginner I do not know how to do this but I read a little about mp2, but I would like help in this.

Remembering that I did the import and all but the only message that displays that I used certification is hello world, it means that the IDE is reading my project, you can check below this.

See a photo shown it enter the package: Foto dentro de com.muscg

See a photo showing him outside the package in a foreign folder on the computer: foto em pasta do computador

It displays these errors just like to run my program, basically it pays 2 Waves files and uses this api to compare how much equality they have. Here’s the original code site:

Here Goes the Already Transcribed Code (Compare.JAVA):

package com.musicg.demo;
package com.musicg.api;
package com.musicg.math;
package com.musicg.graphic;
package com.musicg.fingerprint;
package com.musicg.wave;
package com.musicg.graphic;
package com.musicg.WaveDemo;
package com.musicg.main.demo;
package com.musicg.math;


import com.musicg.fingerprint.FingerprintSimilarity;
import com.musicg.wave.Wave;

public class Compare {
    float result;
    public void match(){
        System.out.println("Olá mundo.");
        /*Compare Voice Or Sound*/
        String filename1 ="C:\\Users\\matth\\Downloads\\Release\\jug\\bc0dab30-6f73-406f-a579-ad14339ba0ce-byVC.wav"; /*Path Wave1*/
        String filename2= "C:\\Users\\matth\\Downloads\\Release\\jug\\bc0dab30-6f73-406f-a579-ad14339ba0ce-byVC.wav"; /*Path Wave2*/
        try {
            InputStream fis1 = null,fis2 =null;
            fis1 = new FileInputStream(filename1);
            fis2 = new FileInputStream(filename2);
            Wave wave1 = new Wave(fis1),    wave2 = new Wave(fis2);
            FingerprintSimilarity similarity;
            similarity = wave1.getFingerprintSimilarity(wave2);
            result = similarity.getSimilarity()*100;
        } catch(Exception e) {}
    /* End Code Try up*/    

    //public static void  main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    public static void  main(String... args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        new Compare().match();


I though beginner would like to understand if anyone can come up with a solution if I come across something like this again, the essential thing is to correct the mistake, but most important is to learn about the IDE and the mistake I made.

I look forward to.

Additional information: Javac version: 1.8.0_301 Java Version: 1.8.0_301 64 bits - Windows / Java Java 8 - Original Oracle

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