I have a table that is filled dynamically, after two queries in the database. However it inserts the columns side by side, getting very wide the table, not fitting on the screen. I wonder if I can get her after reaching 10 columns, to continue in another row, and so on until it’s over. Follows the code:
<table border="1" width="80%" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5">
$matriculas = 0;
$pagamentos = 0;
for ($a = '0'; $a < $qtdRow; $a++) { ?>
<?php if (($matriculaGrid[$a]['idcurso']) == ($matriculaGrid[$a]['matidcurso'])) { ?>
<?php $matriculas += 1; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (($matriculaGrid[$a]['idcurso']) == ($matriculaGrid[$a]['pagidcurso']) && ((($matriculaGrid[$a]['pago']) == 2) OR (($matriculaGrid[$a]['pago']) == 3))) { ?>
<?php $pagamentos += 1; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (($matriculaGrid[$a]['matidcurso'] != @$matriculaGrid[$a + 1]['matidcurso'])) { ?>
<?php echo $matriculaGrid[$a]['nomecidade']; ?><br>
<?php echo implode('/', array_reverse(explode('-', $matriculaGrid[$a]['datainicio']))); ?>
á <?php echo implode('/', array_reverse(explode('-', $matriculaGrid[$a]['datafim']))); ?><br>
<?php echo "MATRICULAS " . $matriculas; //$matriculas = 0; ?>
<?php echo "PAGAMENTOS " . $pagamentos; //$matriculas = 0; ?>
<?php //echo "PAGAMENTOS " . $pagamentos; //$matriculas = 0; ?></td>
<?php $matriculas = 0;
$pagamentos = 0;
} ?>
<?php } ?>