Remove duplicate data from an object array


Viewed 29 times


I would like to know how do I remove duplicate data from an object array. I tried it the way below, if there is another way better please tell me :

I first created two arrays and then merged the two

let firstArray = [
      { name: "javascript", id: 1 },
      { name: "golang", id: 2 },
      { name: "python", id: 3 },

    let secondArray = [
      { name: "javascript", id: 1 },
      { name: "golang", id: 2 },
      { name: "python", id: 3 },
      { name: "ruby", id: 4 },
      { name: "elixir", id: 5 },
      { name: "rust", id: 6 },

const merge = [...firstArray,...secondArray];

I used the SET method to remove duplicates :

 const unique = [ Set(>  ))]
 console.log(unique) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]

That way he removed the duplicates, but the output of it brings me only the ids and I would like it to also bring the name.

  • It is because Voce is returning the values of each in the map array

  • How can I return data with name and id? I tried to pass language instead of on the map, but its output returns all items (including duplicates).

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