How do I change the return of a method (Webmethod) in ASMX?


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I developed an ASMX with a method, and when executing the code on the return of this method, it mounts an XML from a certain class defined by an XSD Schema, which however comes a TAG with suffix result, how can I change this ?

    public UpsertContasResponse upsertContas(upsertContas.req req)
       ---- codigos  -----
            var cliRetorno = new UpsertContasResponse()
                codigo = req.Codigo,
                descricao = (erro == null ? null : erro),
                status = "OK",
                OrgBukrs = "XXXX"
            return cliRetorno;

XML that is generated in return :

<Soap:Envelope xmlns:Soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> Soap:Body 0000000281 OK XXXX </Soap:Body> </Soap:Envelope>

I want to change the name of this tag " "that I do not define anywhere, as I do ??

  • Which tag " "? where are you seeing this?

  • problem has been solved. I actually changed the asmx method making the process by adding the parameters below above the Method. [Soapdocumentmethod(Responseelementname = "Upsertcontasreponse")] [Return: Xmlelement("result")] This caused it to generate me the return in the expected XML format.

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