How to make use of deferred and when in this application?


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I created 3 functions, where each one makes a request ajax

  • The first: checkFila() check if there are any outstanding schedules, if yes, call the second.
  • The second: sendEmail() send the email that is in line and the success of it, call the third.
  • The third: limpaFila() responsible for cleaning up.

The problem is that the second and third functions are not performed. I searched on the subject and saw that it is necessary to use deferred / when but I don’t know how.

function checkFila() {
      type: "GET",
      url: "checkFila.php",
      async: false,
      dataType: "json",
      success: function(data) {
         var statusRetorno = data.retorno;
         var idAgendamento = data.idAgendamento;
         if (statusRetorno) {
            //if( !( typeof idTimerCheckFila=="undefined" ))
            //clearInterval( idTimerCheckFila ); // limpa o timer
            // reinicializar timer
            //idTimerCheckFila = setInterval( function(){ checkFila(); }, 120000 ); 
      error: function() {
         bootbox.alert("Falha de Conexão!<br />Não foi possível efetuar sua requisição.<br/>Aguarde alguns instantes e faça uma nova tentativa.");

function sendEmail(numID) {
      type: "GET",
      url: "sendEmail.php=" + id_agendamento,
      dataType: "json",
      success: function(data) {
         var statusRetorno = data.retorno;
         if (statusRetorno) {
      error: function() {
         bootbox.alert("Falha de Conexão!<br />Não foi possível efetuar sua requisição.<br/>Aguarde alguns instantes e faça uma nova tentativa.");

function limpaFila() {
      type: "GET",
      url: "clearFila.php",
      dataType: "json",
      success: function(data) {
         var statusRetorno = data.retorno;
         if (statusRetorno)
      error: function() {
         bootbox.alert("Falha de Conexão!<br />Não foi possível efetuar sua requisição.<br/>Aguarde alguns instantes e faça uma nova tentativa.");
  • Welcome to [] Francisco! First of all I suggest to you, how to create a [Mre] to be able to elaborate a good question, because it lacks information! So have you considered trying to look at your browser console to verify which error is returned? without using deferred/when?

  • Note that you can debug your code, going through it step-by-step, each function, each step, etc. Ex: success: function(data) { console.log ("cheguei aqui!"); ... } and so on!

  • I understand your considerations but it is by the browser console that I saw that only the first function, checkFila() is executed. I just forgot to mention that this function is run every 2 minutes by the setinterval time event().

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